Wednesday, August 5, 2009

DC Perl Mongers meeting

Okay first off, I was always interested in programming languages. The thing that stopped me was that the prospect was always so daunting because I never knew which one to pick or where to go to get help (before the widespread use of the Internet and high speed connections). Fast forward to now, and the internet is a great thing. I discovered the great world of perl, python, ruby, Xcode. Finally! Something I could get some traction on.

I had heard of Perl Mongers meetings but had assumed they were just on the west coast. A Google search later, lo and behold, what do I find? A local Perl Mongers meeting. Yay!! :D I planned to go last month but got sidetracked. So, I decided to go last night and just show up. It was great! As I expected, I was the only female there out of about a dozen or so people. Fortunately, the other attendees weren't neck beard-y like I thought :P

Most of the discussion was WAY over my head, but they were super nice about my noobishness. I've yet to finish putting my brains in my head. LOL Anyways, now I really gotta get my butt in gear and start studying to come up with some intelligent questions for next month's meeting.

Off to studying....

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