Saturday, December 20, 2008


Last night, I went into the resolution battle and came out victorious! As it turns out, Xorg was apparently the wrong tree I was barking up, I think. I went to the FreeBSD Wiki and got really good instructions for doing it. Rebuilding and installing the kernel was the biggest portion of time it took, maybe around an hour and a half or so. In the end, I managed to get it to 1024x768 I think but I do get the black bars on the sides of the screen. I think I'll take what I can get right now. :P

Next up on my conquer list is figuring out how to email external email addresses. I am armed with the wiki and the FreeBSD Handbook, so I am confident that I will eventually prevail :D


Anonymous said...

I'm all glad for you and such, but doesn't this tell you something? This is the state Ubuntu was in years ago. FreeBSD has still a long way to go (if ever) before non-geeks can feel comfortable with it. That is the problem I have with these distros, too much navel staring, not enough of what the world really wants.

Bronwyn said...

Well, I make FreeBSD as a learning tool for myself as a total geek to move into other stuff :) Besides, I'm not really worried about non-geeks. I hope they never get their hands on it :P